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Over 915 Million Telephone Subscribers in India

As per the latest data on telecom subscribers released by TRAI here today, the share of urban subscribers has marginally declined from 60.06% to 60.03% whereas share of rural subscribers has marginally increased from 39.94% to 39.97% in the month of December 2013.

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The total count of telephone subscriber in India crosses 915 Million, as recorded in the December-2013. This counts was  910.14 million at the end of November 2013 and resulted in monthly growth rate of 0.56%.

A per the data released by TRAI, there is a marginal drop among the urban subscribers which reduced from 60.06% to 60.03%, but the rural areas in the country witnessed a montly growth of 0.03%  from 39.94 to 39.97%.


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