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E commerce business franchise in india

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E commerce business franchise in india

e commerce business franchise in india is one of the new generation business modules for small investors. As per the various market researchers, the e commerce market in India which is attaining exponential growth is leveraged by the sales of smart phones and online awareness that has a deep penetrations.The e-commerce market in India is anticipated to hit Rs 2,11,005 crore by end of the year 2016, as per IAMAI (Industry Body Internet & Mobile Association of India) and IMRB.In the first half of the decade (2011-2015) the e commerce market in India grew 30% between December 2011 and December 2015 with a revenue of Rs 1,25,732 crore by the end of December 2015. The growth momentum was courtset to travel industry that accounted to 63% of the overall share, the report said.

Online product selling is another ecommerce market that has been attaining impressive top lines of various online product selling stores. This not only has provided a new gateways for manufacturers to improve their top line, but also a revenue source for various young students, housewives as well as small shop owners to scale their businesses and earn good money. Slowly the franchining module for e commerce store is now becoming a revenue model for both online store owners and also for young entreprenuers to start their own business as a franchise of the e commerce website evolving to a new business an "e commerce business franchise in india".

e commerce business franchise in india can be a low insventments franchising business for individuals with a zeast of being self employed.

Demand Trends of the Indian Online Market Market Size

As per the online survey by Google India back in 2014 it showed a colossal rate at which the Indian e-commerce market is growing. The number of online buyers in 2014 was 35 million as compared to the meager 8 million in 2012. Of course, in 2012, the number of buyers had seen a whopping 128% jump as compared to 2011.

So it’s no joke when the number of buyers in 2016 has been estimated to a hitting 100 million barrier in India. What we can take away from all this is that the e-commerce sector in India is quickly becoming a phenomenon that has never been observed before in the Indian markets. This will also provide tailwinds to the e commerce business franchise in india as we all have witnessed the exponential growt of online buyers in India.

The ecommerce franchising business can be more of an synergistic alliance between the e commerce store owners and the franchisee. The win-win situation for both the franshisee and the e commerce store owner. This opens a new avenue for monetary benefit of the franchisee while the e commerce store  spreads its physical footprint and deeper physical penetration of the market.

Apparels and footweear one one segment in online product selling that has Some of the segment that is witnesed huge Growth

Sample Size

The 2012 report consists of a sample size of 800, with 63% males and 37% females. 71% respondents were between 18 to 35 years of age. The respondents were spread across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, and Others.

Products that Generate Maximum Online Interest

In terms of online interest generated, Google compiled consumer search data to come up with a list of top product categories. These are:

The frequency of sale was also the highest for the Apparel and Accessories category (34%), followed by Beauty and Personal Care (33%). This makes these categories all the more profitable due to repeat purchases.

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