Home | Business | Ten Percent Extra Tariff Imposed By America on Goods Imported From China

Ten Percent Extra Tariff Imposed By America on Goods Imported From China

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Ten Percent Extra Tariff Imposed By America on Goods Imported From China

US President Donald Trump has announced to impose 10 per cent tariff on goods imported from China, about $ 200 billion (about 14 lakh 42 thousand crore). The new fee will apply from September 24th. According to the media report, this tax will be 25 percent later. Before this, Trump has already imposed a 25 percent tariff on China's imports of $ 50 billion (about 3 lakh 62 thousand crore rupees).

According to information, China has imposed $ 60 billion (4326.30) on other American products. Its new list has also been released. On the other hand, Trump has said after imposing tariff, that if China takes counter-action against farmers or industries in the US, we will immediately start the third phase. According to Trump, if the US imposes a tariff under the third phase, then tariffs will be imposed on imports of goods worth $ 267 billion (about 19 lakh 34 thousand million).

Trump said in his statement that the US is clear about the necessary changes. He said that we gave China many opportunities to behave properly but there is no change in China's attitude. Although this tariff has Apple's products discount.

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