WASHINGTON: As a result of climate change, it has been estimated that the sea level can increase twice to 2100, which has come from NASA studies. According to detailed findings in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the rise in the sea level can increase up to 65 centimeters in the next 80 years, which can cause significant problems in coastal cities.
Professor Steve Nerem at the University of Colorado-Boulder, led by the NASA Sea Level Change team said that it is almost certainly a conservative estimate, which inspired this study. This acceleration is primarily driven by melting snow in Greenland and Antarctica. This conclusion is based on 25 years of NASA and European satellite data. "Our extrapolation assumes that the future sea level changes will continue as it has been growing since the past 25 years, considering the major changes we are seeing in the ice sheet, it is not so," said Nerem Said in the statement.
Greenhouse gases increase air and water temperature in the Earth's atmosphere, which causes the sea level to grow in two ways. First of all, hot water spreads, and this "thermal expansion" of the ocean has contributed seven centimeters of global average sea level rise in the past 25 years, said Nerem. Second, the water melts the ice of the water, which flows into the sea, which also increases the sea level around the world. In the 1990s, every year has increased from an increase of 2.5 millimeter per year to 3.4 millimeter per year per year, researchers said. These increases are measured by satellite.
Since 1992, together with TOPEX / Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, and Jason-3 missions, NASA, France's central National de Ots Spatial, European Organization of Shomorological Satellite and American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration researchers Said that the speed of acceleration can be influenced by geographic phenomena such as volcanic eruptions or climate patterns like El Nino and La Nina. They used climate models and other data sets due to volcanic impacts and highlight the El Niño / La Nina effect, ultimately the inherent rate and acceleration of sea level rise.