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Internet of Things (IoT)

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Connected Appliances, Connected Homes, Connected Cities, Connected World! Connected Appliances, Connected Homes, Connected Cities, Connected World!

What will life be like if you can control all of your home appliances, lights and fans just by giving voice commands? Imagine you are in a hotel room and want to order a meal, and all you have to do is ask "What's there in Italian?" and instantly names of all the Italian dishes served by that hotel is narrated, isn't it cool? Yes it is and can be turned into reality by the amalgamation of Electronics and Internet.

Hello everyone, I am Shantanu and I am an Electronics and Technology enthusiast, I love to make, hack and code!

In this series of articles i am going to give you a brief introduction about what all things can be done just by mixing some electronics into the world of Internet and Artificial Intelligence. I will be writing mainly about Raspberry Pi, basic electronics, micro-controllers and how it can be implemented to make a fully functional Internet of Things (IoT).

Stay Tuned!

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